Jardín vertical en el palacio de congresos de Vitoria-Gasteiz

Nature-based Solutions

Training in NbS

Get trained in the most well-known nature-based solutions.

Comprehensive urban planning

Schedule a visit from one of our technicians to learn about the options and methodologies.


Renaturation actions

Take a look at our proposals for urban renaturation.


Nature-based solutions (NBS) arise as a resource for environmental management in cities, with the European Commission being responsible for promoting them.

“”Nature-based solutions are actions to protect, manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems sustainably, which effectively and adaptively address social challenges while providing simultaneous benefits for human well-being and biodiversity” © IUCN, 2016. © UICN, 2016

[tlpportfolio id=”19417″ title=”Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza”]

6 European projects

15 proprietary systems

3 patents

One of the key actions within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is comprehensive urban planning that adapts cities to climate change, and this involves renaturalizing them.

At SingularGreen, we have extensive experience in the design and development of urban naturalization plans, accompanying municipalities throughout the entire process, including in the management and processing of public and European aid.

We have participated in and coordinated different European Union projects, such as the Life program, Urban GreenUP, Science and Innovation Missions, or the Biodiversity Foundation, all with the aim of developing methodologies to renaturalize urban plans, mitigate the effects of climate change, promote air quality, water management, and increase the sustainability of our cities.

Official definition of NbS

Although it may be an unfamiliar concept, NbS is the main driver or fundamental pillar for integrating nature and architecture in cities.

The European Commission’s definition of NbS states that these solutions are “inspired and supported by nature”. They are cost-effective actions that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Thanks to European projects, this concept is gaining more strength every day, and on this page, we will show you a series of examples of our nature-based solutions and learn more about this concept.

What are nature-based solutions (NbS)?

Are nature-based solutions the best option?

Air quality is objectively worse in urban areas. Road traffic and air conditioning systems are sources of pollutant emissions in cities.

On the other hand, the loss of biodiversity causes health problems by leaving us more exposed to pests and diseases. Urban environments are hostile to the vast majority of species, which can make it easier for allochthonous and invasive species to appear.

To restore a more ecological functioning of the city, resorting to nature-based solutions is the best option. Not only do we provide nature with its benefits, but we also add features that make them healthier and more efficient.

Various research studies show that NbS could provide around 30% of the cost-effective mitigation needed by 2030 to stabilize global warming below 2°C.

In short, investing in this type of solution, and not just focusing on conventional solutions, can translate into significant energy savings and health benefits**.

Nature-based solutions are a reality and should be part of the concept of smart cities.

**Although the ability of NbS to address this challenge is efficient and cost-effective, it should be accompanied by other measures.

10.000 m2

Vertical Gardens

30.000 m2

Green Roofs


Completed projects


Renaturalized cities.

What do we propose at SingularGreen?

Vegetation is capable of absorbing various pollutant particles through dry deposition. They can reduce air temperature by decreasing the emission rate of biogenic volatile organic compounds, precursors of ozone.

Water is a finite resource that becomes more valuable every day and must be respected by not wasting or polluting it.

The potential to create urban ecosystems using our knowledge of vertical gardens, green roofs, and natural swimming pools makes us a specialized company in developing and promoting new NbS proposals.

That’s where we come in.

What criteria should NbS meet?

  1. Effectively respond to social challenges.
  2. The design of NbS will be adapted to the dimension.
  3. They will result in a net gain in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity.
  4. NbS will be economically viable.
  5. They will be based on inclusive, transparent, and empowering governance processes.
  6. They will offer an equitable balance between achieving their main objectives and the continuous provision of multiple benefits.
  7. NbS will be managed adaptively, based on data.
  8. They will be sustainable and integrated into an appropriate jurisdictional context.

Do you have any other questions or need more information on a specific topic?

Call us at +34 966 282 640 or +34 673 768 624.

If you prefer, you can write to us at info@singulargreen.com or fill out the following form.

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