Domus Santa Ponça,

In a construction company located in Santa Ponça, we designed and installed an innovative vertical garden in the access staircase of their offices.

This vertical garden is characterized by its unique design with waves and curved lines that flow throughout the space, creating rounded areas that bring dynamism and visual movement to the work environment. This design not only beautifies the area, but also introduces a natural and lively element that breaks the monotony of a typical corporate space. The presence of this vertical garden enhances the well-being of employees and visitors, providing a relaxing and visually stimulating focal point.

This project reflects a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality, making the workspace a more pleasant and productive place.

The vertical garden installed inside an office, in the access staircase of a construction company in Santa Ponáa, was designed with a series of waves, curves, which generated different rounded areas, so as to give a certain dynamism to the vertical garden and the office environment.


The plants proposed and installed in the garden, almost 500 units, were specially selected for the environment, as they helped us to free the office of air pollutants, causing the Sick Building and also adapted and developed in a great way indoors, creating some very interesting interactions between them.
The plants used are these:

  • Adiantum capillus-veneris
  • Alocasia amazonica*.
  • Begonia rex
  • Nephrolepis exaltata
  • Philodendron scans
  • Pteris cretica
  • Spathiphyllum wallisii
  • Singonium podophyllum

The Alocasia amazonica, has only been used with 2 plants, to generate an element of greater volume and that is the one that provides the point of color so characteristic that have their leaves.

This vertical garden is completely hydroponic, with recirculation of water from the garden, so that water consumption is minimal.

An important point of the vertical garden in Mallorca is the presence of artificial presence. We designed, selected and installed the LED bulbs that best suited the needs and requirements of the client, so that with 4 bulbs of 24W each can cover the surface of the garden and meet the lighting needs of the plants that make up the small vertical ecosystem.

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