Restaurant in Guardamar
This 7m2 garden adorns a wall adjacent to a glass window in the restaurant Chema in Guardamar del Segura, adding a touch of nature to the environment without taking up valuable space. One of the highlights of this project is its integrated irrigation system which, in addition to operating without a timer, has a tank that serves as a rain gutter. This system is designed to operate so quietly that it is imperceptible to restaurant diners, ensuring that the dining experience is not interrupted.
To achieve our client’s vision, three completely different design proposals were presented: one inspired by the jungle, one emulating a lawn, and a third mixed. Each included different plant species and arrangements. After considering the options, our client chose the lowest volume design, optimizing space and minimizing any potential disturbance to restaurant patrons. This design allows the plants to grow closer to the wall, integrating harmoniously and functionally into the space.
Selected plants for vertical garden
- Ficus rastrero – Ficus pumila
- Ficus sunny – Ficus pumila «Sunny»
- Hiedras mini variadas – Hedera helix «mini»
- Soleirolia – Soleirolia soleirolii
- Pilea – Pilea involucrata
- Menta – Mentha spicata, mint is included at the client’s request, to be used in the restaurant.