Temperature and plants

Why is temperature important in plant care?

Temperature is one of the key factors in plant growth and development. It affects their ability to perform essential functions such as photosynthesis, respiration and nutrient uptake.

Therefore, when growing outdoors, it is important to check whether the plant can withstand the corresponding climatic range.

Like humans, plants have an optimal temperature range in which they can thrive, and if they are exposed to temperatures that are too high or too low, their health can be compromised.

Plants, especially houseplants, can adapt to different climatic conditions, but when temperatures fall below certain levels or rise too high, the damage can be irreparable.

As we always say, houseplants can be kept in temperatures above 7 degrees Celsius without problems, but below that temperature, especially if it is prolonged, we may start to see negative effects.

Effects of heat and cold on plant growth

Temperature extremes can be detrimental to plants.

Excessive heat can cause dehydration, leaf burn and abnormal growth. On the other hand, intense cold can slow down their metabolism, causing them to go ‘dormant’ or, in more severe cases, killing the cells that make up their tissues.

When temperatures drop below 7 degrees Celsius, plants do not necessarily die, but they slow down their growth considerably. It is important to note that brief exposure to cold temperatures is not usually fatal.

However, if the cold is sustained continuously, some plants, especially the more sensitive ones such as tropical plants, will begin to show signs of stress.

jardín vertical palacio del almirante valencia
Jardín vertical oficinas weleda, Madrid

How does temperature affect plant metabolism?

Plant metabolism speeds up or slows down depending on the temperature.

When they are in their optimal range, plants grow vigorously, absorb nutrients efficiently and photosynthesise smoothly.

However, if temperatures drop too low, as they do in some vertical gardens exposed to cold currents, plants slow down their metabolic activity.

This is not necessarily dangerous, but it is something that could affect the aesthetics of indoor vertical gardens, where uniform growth is key to maintaining a balanced appearance.

The ideal temperature for indoor plants

The ideal temperature range for indoor plants is usually between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. In general, this is a safe range for most species.

However, it is essential to know that some tropical plants can tolerate slightly higher temperatures, while others prefer a cooler environment.

Tropical plants: Care in cold temperatures

Tropical plants often need warmer temperatures to thrive. However, if you keep them indoors, they can tolerate somewhat cooler temperatures as long as they do not drop below 10 degrees Celsius.

In my case, I have found that, although at 7 degrees Celsius the plants start to slow down their growth, they do not necessarily die.

If they then return to a warmer environment, they will resume their growth without any major problems.

How air conditioning affects indoor plants

One of the biggest problems with indoor plants in air-conditioned environments is dryness.

Air conditioning, especially in summer, dries out the environment, which can affect the humidity of the plants.

As I mentioned before, if you have a vertical garden near an air conditioner, it is important to prevent the cold airflow from directly hitting the plants, as this can dry them out quickly. I have seen how the draught not only cools the plant, but also dries out the leaves, which can cause serious damage.

Therefore, when the air conditioning is on, it is essential to increase the frequency of watering.

Riego jardines verticales

In my experience, this setting is key to maintaining a healthy vertical garden, as air conditioning dries out the environment, but plants also provide humidity, balancing the environment naturally.

Vertical gardens: How to maintain an adequate temperature

Vertical gardens, due to their structure and exposure, require more precise temperature control.

This is because plants in a vertical garden are more exposed to rapid environmental changes, such as drafts or excessive heat.

In a controlled environment, such as an air-conditioned interior, it is essential to avoid direct exposure to air jets.

The dangers of air conditioning for vertical gardens

In my experience, I have found that if the air conditioning is directed towards the vertical garden, it is possible for the cold air to cause problems.

If the air conditioner is at extreme temperatures, for example, set at 18 degrees or lower, and the plants receive the direct blast of air, they may start to dry out or get leaf burn. However, the most common situation is that the air conditioning dries out the environment, forcing an adjustment in watering.

Increasing irrigation as a solution to combat dryness

Increased watering is one of the most effective solutions when air conditioning dries out the environment.

In my experience, by increasing the amount of water and adjusting the humidity, vertical gardens manage to maintain a proper balance, even when exposed to draughts. Air conditioning dries out, but the plants in a vertical garden add humidity to the environment, balancing the thermal comfort in the space.

It is a natural cycle that can be harnessed to maintain a comfortable environment for both plants and people.

Temperature control in greenhouses and outdoor crops

Temperature control is not only relevant for indoor plants; it is also essential in greenhouses and outdoor cultivation.

In these environments, temperature fluctuations can have a significant impact on plant productivity, especially in the germination and flowering stages.

Importance of temperature regulation for optimal cultivation

In a greenhouse, where the climate can be artificially regulated, temperature control is key to optimal growth. Plants grown in a controlled environment can reap the benefits of a constant temperature, which translates into higher yield and quality.

Tools and technologies to maintain temperature in greenhouses

Today, there are many technologies available to regulate the temperature in greenhouses, such as automatic heating and cooling systems.

These make it possible to maintain an optimal environment for plant growth regardless of outdoor conditions.
Regulating the temperature, together with proper irrigation and humidity control, ensures healthier and more productive crops.

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