If you are considering creating a vertical garden, you should know that not all species are suitable for planting in this type of garden. That’s why in the following article about the 10 species that work best in vertical gardens, we will show you the plants that are most commonly used to create these green spaces.
Chlorophytum comosum

Also known as Spider Plant, Airplane Plant, Ribbon Plant, or Spider Ivy, Chlorophytum comosum is a flowering perennial herb of the Agavaceae family, native to South Africa. It is often grown indoors but can also be found outdoors in warm climates, as it can tolerate temperatures as low as -2°C. In some areas, it is considered invasive because it grows quickly. If grown indoors, it needs medium light, and if placed in direct sunlight, it can burn. This species can tolerate moderate humidity and can withstand water scarcity as it stores water in its thick root system, so it could survive a few days without water in a vertical garden. However, during summer, the watering frequency should be increased.
Tulbalghia violacea

Tulbaghia violacea, commonly known as Society Garlic, is a species of plant belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae. It is a perennial herb that is native to southern Africa. Like Chlorophytum comosum, it is a perennial plant that grows quickly and is characteristic of warm climates. The plant produces tubular and fragrant flowers that appear in umbels and have a star-shaped structure with six petals. The plant is considered an outdoor species as it needs full sun exposure to flower, but it can also be placed in semi-shaded areas where its flowering may be less. It can tolerate water scarcity and doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer, so it only needs to be fertilized annually.
Armeria maritima

Armeria maritima, commonly known as Thrift, is a plant that belongs to the Plumbaginaceae family. It is native to coastal areas of the Northern Hemisphere, especially Europe and South America. It is a perennial plant that is characteristic of warm climates, and it requires special care when exposed to low temperatures. Its leaves are narrow and green, and its small flowers come in various colors, such as white, pink, and lilac. It is essential to remove the withered flowers to promote the emergence of new ones. This plant is also considered an outdoor species that requires a great deal of sunlight.
Duranta repens = Duranta erecta
Also known as Golden Dewdrop, Duranta repens is a species of shrub belonging to the Verbenaceae family. It is native to the Americas, from southern Florida and Mexico to northern Argentina. It comprises 73 described species, of which only 32 are accepted.
Duranta repens is an evergreen shrub with a short trunk and many branches with elliptical, partially toothed leaves. Its flowers appear in clusters and can be white, blue, lilac, or violet. Its fruits add a touch of orange color and are toxic if ingested. These plants are usually used outdoors as they require full sun exposure, although they can also live in semi-shaded areas, but their flowering will be less.
They do not tolerate cold temperatures, although they can withstand occasional frosts. Duranta repens should be pruned moderately to strengthen the plant and/or give it a shape.
Nephrolepis cordifolia

Receives as common name Quetzal tail or Sawtooth fern, it is a species of fern in the family Nephrolepidaceae.
It is a perennial type and comes from humid tropical and equatorial zones where the climate is warm. The stems of this fern advance seeking better places to form new rosettes of leaves. This species usually produces bulbs with reserve substances, a curious characteristic among ferns.
The maintenance of this fern should include pruning of the oldest leaves, so that it always continues to emit new fronds and keep it rejuvenated. Otherwise, the areas that remain under the old leaves will become unsightly and dry.
Monstera deliciosa

Also known as Swiss cheese plant or Split-leaf philodendron, it is a species of climbing plant endemic to tropical forests from southern Mexico to northern Argentina. It belongs to the family Araceae.
It is a perennial type and belongs to the warmest climates. This type of plants are widely used for indoor decoration, but it is true that they perform better outdoors with temperatures between 20-30 °C, high humidity, and shade. At temperatures below 10 °C, it suffers from the cold and dies. Its flowering period starts from the third year of being planted in ideal conditions, and it takes one more year to mature the fruit. It is rare for it to bloom indoors.
It is important to control and monitor the powerful aerial roots it emits, as they can anchor onto another plant in the vertical garden and cause damage.
Ajuga reptans

Commonly known as Bugleweed or Carpet Bugle, it is a flowering plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae.
It is a herbaceous and perennial plant native to Europe and North Africa, extending to Iran. It is found in meadows and forest edges, in cool areas. It does not tolerate dry climates.
It is an outdoor cultivation plant that grows both in sunlight and in partial shade. It is perfect for vertical gardens as it needs constantly moist soil.
Platycerium bifurcatum
Better known as Staghorn fern. It is a type of epiphytic plant that grows in Southeast Australia.
Epiphytic plants are those that grow on another plant, using it only as support but not parasitizing it nutritionally. These plants are sometimes called “air plants” or “climbing roots” because they do not root in the soil. It belongs to the family Polypodiaceae.
It is a perennial plant of warm climate where temperatures must exceed 15°C. Staghorn fern tolerates dryness thanks to the hair that covers its leaves.
When planting it in a vertical garden, all the leaves at its base should be in contact with the felt on the outside, as if they are inserted into the pocket, the plant may die.
Ficus repens

Also known as Climbing Fig or Creeping Fig, it is a species of the Moraceae family. It is native to Asia and Australia but has been spread throughout the world.
These plants are perennial climbers that adhere to rough surfaces. The leaves are simple and entire, and are dark green, forming a dense foliage.
These species are widely used as indoor plants for decoration. It should not receive direct sunlight as it damages the leaves, but it can be placed in semi-shaded vertical gardens. This type of plant can only be grown outdoors in regions where cold is scarce as it cannot tolerate frost, as is the case in Colombia.
It is a plant that needs humidity from both the environment and the substrate, which must be kept moist.
Bergenia cordifolia
Also known as Winter Hydrangea, Bergenia, Winter Begonia or Winter Cabbage. It belongs to the Saxifragaceae family and originates from Siberia and Mongolia.
It is a perennial plant of warm climate. Its leaves are large, rounded with a wavy edge and marked veins, and turn purple in winter. The most common color of its flowers is pink or red, which grow in dense clusters.
These plants can be used both indoors for decoration and outdoors as they can withstand full sun if the substrate is moist enough. They easily tolerate low temperatures, but are sensitive to lack of watering.
We hope these brief insights into the 10 species that work best in vertical gardens help you create your own garden.
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